What do the Komodo Dragons eat?

The komodo dragons are carnivores. A Komodo Dragons favorite thing to eat is carrion. Carrion is basically the decaying flesh of an animal. Otherwise, "meat". Komodo Dragons eat all kinds of carrion. Other than carrion, Komodo dragons eat a lot of live food also. They eat Invertebrates (other reptiles, even small Komodo Dragons, or sometimes their own children). Komodo Dragons eat birds and birds eggs. They also eat small mammals such as monkeys, wild boar, goats and pigs. Deer, horses, and water buffalo are also part of a Komodo Dragons diet. Komodo Dragons also eat snakes, and livestock such as sheep and cattle. It is rare, but on occasion, a grown Komodo Dragon will attack a human. They can seriously injure a human. Their claws can make horrid scratches on human skin. Their teeth are even more deadly. If the animal is right, a Komodo Dragon will swallow it whole. A goat is perfect for this because of certain attributes. These are their flexible...